Plan B

827 days ago

Wetherspoon’s Tim Martin lashes hypocrite Boris and hypocrite fund manager Blackrock as he serves up a lack of profits warning

Given the pointless Plan B lockdown it is no great shock that JD Wetherspoon (JDW) will make a first half loss. But in spelling out just how bad things are, L4L sales down by 11.7% and total sales by 13.3% in the first 25 weeks of the year,  heroic company founder Tim Martin has lashed out at the illogical policies of a hypocritical Government and at the hypocrisy and stupidity of fund manager Blackrock. The great man does not hold back and opines:


871 days ago

So Omicron deaths are booming in South Africa, right? Er...

The South Africans tell us, as do US and EU authorities that the Omicron variant of covid is really not very harmful at all. And what is more they have data which supports this as you can see below. As Omicron started there the South Africans have real data. This was dismissed today by one of the doom-mongers advising our wretched Government as merely “anecdotal.” But it is not, what you see below is hard facts.  What can be dismissed are claims by the experts who always get it wrong, such as Professor Pantsdown Ferguson,that 75,000 of us will die from this variant by the spring.  Ferguson has a track record of forecasting which, over many, years is unbelievably consitent. He is always wrong.  Yet Boris Johnson et al do not look at facts on the ground, hard data, they believe the“experts” who ignore this hard data and their ludicrous predictions.


923 days ago

Plan A, Plan B – don’t they teach anyone in Government basic stats and logic? The Covid Lockdown insanity of the British political class

Plan B for England should covid case numbers increase involves bringing back face masks, vaccine passports and an encouragement to work from home. And this, we are assured by the experts, will help to stop the spread of covid, protect the NHS, make us all safer, yak, yak, yak.  But the problem is that there is already hard data from the British Isles to show this is utter rubbish.
